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페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘

Facilities & Services

  • The Seoul Arts Center tries to provide better service.
  • We always strive to provide more classy and formal services, and provide various convenience services so that we can spend time enjoying culture and arts under optimal conditions.


Cloakroom, 1101 Museum, Automatic Pay Station, ATM, and Agabang Nursing room

* Inquiry 1668-1352 (09:00~20:00)

    • Lockers
    • - Operating Hours: 30 minutes prior to the start of a performance until 20 minutes after the end of a performance.
      - Usage Guide: Posted separately*
      - Fee: KRW 1,000 per use
      - Use and refund inquiries: 1666-2098
      - Stored items: Only items that are not prohibited in the terms of use can be stored.
      - Storage Box Locations
      - Location :
        ㆍMusic Hall: In front of IBK Chamber Hall on the 1st floor, In front of the Concert Hall on the 1st floor - Next to Inchoon Art Hall on the 1st basement floor
        ㆍOpera House: Next to the ticket office of the Opera Theater on the 1st floor, Inside and outside the lobby, Next to the ticket office of CJ Towol Theater on the 2nd floor, Next to CJ Towol Theater on the 3rd floor, and Jayu Theater lobby
    • ① Please make use of the lockers if your belongings may cause inconvenience to yourself or others in the audience (e.g. food or bulky items)
      ② After the usage time ends (20 minutes after the end of the performance), items that have not been picked up by users will be treated as items for Lost and Found at the Service Plaza. (However, food items will be disposed of immediately.)
      ㆍService Plaza operating hours: Tuesday ~ Sunday 09:00~20:00 / Monday 09:00~18:00 (Open all year round)
    • 1101 Museum
    • Play and art experience for kids(* Closed on Monday)
      ㆍUser age: ~ Up to the age of 6 (born in 2017) *as of 2023
      ㆍTicket : KRW 20,000 (2 hours) / *excluding experience program fee
      (50% discount for performance ticket holders, 10% for exhibition ticket holders)
    • In order to make it easier for caregivers to watch performances and exhibitions, we provide Care Service(Charged Service) for kids(36 months to 6 years old).
    • Automatic Pay Station
    • * Location
      • - 1st, 2nd, 3rd level of the Opera House
      • - B1 and 1st level of the Music Hall
      • - 1st level of the Hangaram Art Museum
      • - 1st level of the Hangaram Design Museum
      • - Hangaram Art Museum Square (Passage)
      • - Vitamin Station
  • Woori Bank ATM
    • ATM
    • Woori Bank ATM : Vitamin Station Lobby
  • Agabang Nursing room
    • Agabang Nursing room
      • ㆍLocation : Vitamin Station
      • ㆍOpening hours : 10:00 ~ 19:00
        (Closed on Monday)


Audio guide rental service, Lockers, Wheelchair & stroller rental service, Nursing room, and Automatic Pay Station

* Inquiry 1668-1352 (10:00~19:00 / Closed on Monday)

    • Audio guide
      • ㆍLocation: Rental desks at the entrance of each of the exhibition venues
      • ㆍHow to Use: Rental fee + ID is required
    • Lockers
      • ㆍLocation : Hangaram Art Museum : near B1 & 2nd level elevator
        Hangaram Design Museum : near B1 level elevator
        Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum : near 1st level elevator
      • ㆍRental fee : Small-size locker: KRW 1,000 for 2 hours / Medium or large-size locker: KRW 2,000 for 2 hours
        (extra charge for the additional hours)
      • ㆍOpening hours 10:00 ~ 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
      • ㆍOperator SAENU (1899-4711)
    • Wheelchair·stroller
      rental service
      • ㆍLocation : Security desk (1st level of the Hangarma Art Museum / 1st level of the Hangaram Design Museum)
      • ㆍOpening hours10:00 ~ 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
        ※ The service is currently not available due to covid-19
    • Nursing room
      • ㆍLocation : 1st level of the Hangaram Art Museum
      • ㆍOpening hours 10:00 ~ 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
    • Automatic Pay Station
      • ㆍLocation : 1st level of the Hangaram Art Museum, 1st level of the Hangaram Design Museum, 1st level of the Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum
      • ㆍOpening hours : 10:00 ~ 19:00 (Closed on Monday)

Call Center 82-1668-1352 (Mon:09:00~18:00/TUE-SUN:09:00~20:00 (all the year round))

Address (06757) Seoul Arts Center, Nambusunhwanro 2406, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

copyrightⓒ2023 Seoul Arts Center. All rights reserved.