
Brahms Violin Sonatas Full Performance Eunkyo Baek Violin Recital

  • Date 2023-09-26(Tue)
  • Time19:30
  • Venue Inchoon Arts Hall
  • AdmissionFor elementary school students and older
  • Running Time (min.)90
  • PriceGeneral seats 20,000won
  • HostGclef
  • SupportSeoul Arts High School, Seoul National University College of Music, Juilliard College of Music, Indiana College of Music Alumni Association
  • Inquiry02-515-5123

  • #violin  #brahms  #brahmssonata  #EunkyoBaekViolinRecital  #EunkyoBaek  

백은교 바이올린 독주회 Past Event


홈으로  >  공연/전시  >  진행·예정 프로그램

※ Age Restriction Notice

If proof of age cannot be provided, entry will not be permitted regardless of ticket possession or accompaniment by a guardian.

- Elementary school age and above: Born before 2018 (including those born in 2018) or elementary school students and above are permitted entry.
- Middle school age and above: Born before 2012 (including those born in 2012) or middle school students and above are permitted entry.

Ticket Purchase Guide (→)

※ If there is no event description in English, the page is available only in Korean.
    In this case, please click the 국 button at the upper-right of the page.

※ This performance is for ages 7 and up (including 2016).

When receiving tickets and entering the auditorium, we are checking the proof documents (medical insurance card, passport, resident registration copy, etc.) that can confirm the date of birth to confirm the age of the audience.You can't check your age with the naked eye, so please prepare it in advance when you receive the ticket.


※ Audiences who do not meet the viewing grade and age will be restricted from entering the auditorium regardless of whether they have tickets or accompanied by a guardian, and reservations on the day of the performance cannot be canceled, refunded, or changed.


백은교 바이올린 독주회
Eunkyo Baek Violin Recital
 Brahms Violin Sonata Full Performance
2023. 9. 26. (Tue) 7:30PM. Seoul Arts Center Inchun Art Hall

Hosted by Gclef

Sponsor / Seoul Arts High School, Seoul National University College of Music, Juilliard College of Music, Indiana College of Music Alumni Association

a pass check / 20,000won

Ticket reservation / seoulartcenter, interpark, YES24

Inquiries about performance / Gclef 02-515-5123

Violinist 백은교
바이올리니스트 백은교는 서울예술고등학교를 졸업하고 서울대학교 음악대학을 장학생으로 학사 입학 및 졸업 후 도미하여 줄리어드 음악대학 석사 과정을 장학생으로 졸업하였고 인디애나 음악대학 전문연주자과정을 수료하였다.
부산시립교향악단과 협연하여 관객과 평단으로부터 호평을 받은 그녀는 인코리안심포니 오케스트라, 대구 스트링스 오케스트라, 팬아시아 필하모니아와 협연하는 등 음악적 역량을 선보였으며 뉴욕과 인디애나, 금호아트홀, 일신홀 등에서 독주회와 실내악 연주를 개최하여 자신만의 음악세계를 구축해 나갔다.
Aspen Music Festival and School, Music Alp, Portugal Music Festival 등 유수의 음악제 및 Zakhar Bron, Miriam Fried, Vadim Gluzman 등 세계 유명 바이올리니스트들의 마스터클래스에 참가하며 끊임없이 음악에 대한 학구적 열의를 보이며 음악적 행보를 이어왔다.
가천대학교 음대, 강원대 음대, 계원예고 강사, 디토 오케스트라 객원 악장을 역임한 그녀는 현재 경희대학교, 예원학교, 서울예고, 선화예고에 출강하며 후학 양성에도 힘쓰는 한편 클래시칸 앙상블, 화음챔버오케스트라에서 활동하며 꾸준한 음악활동을 이어가고 있다.
Piano 노예진
> 예원학교, 서울예고 졸업, 서울대학교 음악대학 전체수석 졸업 
> 인디애나 음대 석사, 최고연주자과정 졸업, 서울대학교 음악대학 박사 졸업
> 몬트리올 국제 피아노 콩쿨 파이널리스트, 워싱턴 국제 피아노 콩쿨, 다카마츠 국제 콩쿨, 산안토니오 국제 콩쿨, FVG 국제 콩쿨, KBS한전음악콩쿨, 성정음악콩쿨 등 다수의 국내외 콩쿨서 입상
> 몬트리올 심포니 오케스트라, 세토 필하모닉, 박하우 필하모닉, 서바나 필하모닉, 인디애나 심포니, 코리안 심포니 오케스트라, KBS교향악단, 성남시립교향악단, 대구시립교향악단 협연 및 국내외 독주회 개최
> 하이든 소나타 음반, 리스트 작품 음반, 쇼팽 에튀드 전곡 음반 발매(NCM KLASSIK 레이블)
> 현재 : 서울대학교, 세종대학교, 서울예고, 예원학교 출강
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 1 in G Major “Rain Sonata”, Op. 78
I. Vivace, ma non troppo
II. Adagio
III. Allegro molto moderato
Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2 in A Major, Op. 100
I. Allegro amabile
II. Adnate tranquillo-Vivace
III. Allegretto grazioso (quasi andante)
Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 in d minor, Op. 108
I. Allegro
II. Adagio
III. Un poco presto e con sentimento
IV. Presto agitato
* student discount: required to provide proof of identity and age when picking up tickets.
Payment of the difference in price at the spot when not submitted.
- 30% discount for SAC Patrons, SAC Gold
- 20% for SAC Blue, Green
- 40% discount for SACteens
- 40% discount for Noble members

Total seats 100

  • General seats98
  • Wheelchair seats2

Inchoon Art Hall Multi-purpose halls that can be used for various purposes

The Inchoon Art Hall, which was completed on August 28, 2020, is a multi-purpose hall space located on the first basement floor of the music hall. It can be operated with a total of 100 seats, including 91 fixed seats and 7 mobile seats. In addition, Inchoon Art Hall has not only solo concerts, small concerts, but also video screenings, press conferences, competitions, etc. It can be used for various purposes.

Seating Charts

seat chart (floor 1) of the Inchoon Art Hall
  • 1F 100 seats

    • General seats98
    • Wheelchair seats2
Note for Ticket Purchases, Refunds and Exchanges

All performances, except for children-specific ones, are suitable for elementary school students and older. If proof of age cannot be provided, entry will not be permitted regardless of ticket possession or accompaniment by a guardian. (Excluding performances aimed at children.)

We encourage travel by public transport because you may not be able to enter the venue before the performance start time due to parking lot congestion.
(ticket exchange or refund is not available for delays in entering the venue caused by parking lot congestion)

The maximum number of tickets allowed to be purchased per online order (pc, mobile) is 10. If you would like to purchase more than 10 tickets for a group, please call the Service Plaza (1668-1352)

Lost tickets are non-refundable or non-exchangeable as tickets are value instrument papers

We are not responsible for the tickets by individual transactions other than purchase through specified ticketing system or Service Plaza

Cancellation Fees
Cancellation Fees
Classification Cancellation fee Note
10 days before the event No charge  
9 days to 1 day before the event 10% of paid amount In case of tickets purchased up to 3 days before the performance, there will be no cancellation fee if cancelled on the day of the purchase
(call: ~20:00 /
visit Service Plaza: ~20:00(Tue~Sun), ~18:00(Mon) /
homepage or mobile: ~23:59)
On the day of the event Seoul Arts Center’s planned event 90% of paid amount 2 hours before the event starts
(Non refundable at Box Office)
Rental event Non refundable 1 day before the event

※ Cancellation Fees for Exhibition Tickets:
- Tickets with Time Slots: Cancellation fees apply according to the same standards as for rental performances at the Seoul Arts Center
- General Exhibition Tickets: There is no cancellation fee until 7 days after ticket purchase, and a 10% cancellation fee is charged from the 8th day onwards.
Payment methods
  • Credit card (or check card)

    Payable up to the event day

    • * Homepage(PC/Mobile)
    • * Box Office
    • * Service Plaza (Information & Tickets)
  • Virtual account

    Payable up to 5 days before the event day

    • * Homepage(PC/Mobile)

Refund by payment methods ※ A refund is only possible with the same payment method as used in booking

  • Credit card (or check card)

    Approval cancellation by credit card company

    • * Within 4 to 5 days from the requested date
    • * Under the rules of refund by relevant credit card company
    • * Cancellation fee will be charged to customer’s credit card
  • Virtual account

    Refund to the account in the name which the reservation is made in

    • * Within 2 working days from the requested date
    • * Refund after deducting cancellation fee
Ticket Cancellation Information
  • Booking online

    To cancel a reservation, a customer can check the reservation details in My Page on the website or through Service Plaza (1668-1352)

  • Phone booking

    To cancel a reservation, a customer can check the reservation details in My Page on the website or through Service Plaza (1668-1352).

  • If a customer received booked tickets through visiting Service Plaza or mail delivery.

    A customer must return tickets to Service Plaza until one (1) day before event day to get a refund. (Service Plaza Operating Times : Mon 09:00~18:00 / Tue~Sun- 09:00~20:00)

  • ※ Partial Cancellation

    • Partial Cancellation is allowed EXCEPT FOR the tickets paid by gift card, and special offer like ‘buy one get one free’ ticket. For more information and inquiry, please call Service Plaza (1668-1352)
How to receive a ticket
  • Box Office
    • * Ticket pickup at venue on the event day
    • * It operates one and a half hours prior to the start of a performance through its intermission
    • * Without a break, it operates until 30 minutes after the start of the performance
  • Service Plaza
    • * Located in the Vitamin Station
    • * Operating Times : Mon 09:00~18:00/Tue-Sun 09:00~20:00 (All the year around)
    • * Inquiry: 1668-1352
    • * Not for tickets booked through other ticket agency’s sales channel
  • Ticket Delivery
    • * Mail delivery request: available only for a ticket booked no later than 2 weeks (14 days) before event day
    • * Delivery charge: prepayment KRW 3,200 per delivery
    • * Time it takes a ticket to arrive: within 5 working days from mail delivery request
  • Note for receiving a ticket
    • Customers who have benefited from discounts (e.g. discount coupons and membership discounts, special discounts for the disabled, national merits, SAC Teens, noble members, students, seniors and last-minute tickets) must be able to present proof of eligibility when collecting discounted tickets. If a customer fails to present such certification, he or she must pay for the full ticket price to enter the venue.
    • The Box Office is very crowded when an event is about to begin. We strongly recommend collecting your ticket at least 30 minutes before the performance starts.

Review write close

Review write
Writer 비회원손님 2025.03.14(Fri)
Title work Eunkyo Baek Violin Recital
Rating *
  • Work satisfactionArtistic quality, shouts of joy,
    stage, performers, etc.

  • Satisfaction with viewing costPrice, discount, etc.

  • Website information
    Website promotion,
    work introduction, etc.

  • Service satisfactionTicket purchase, auditorium entry,
    performance environment, etc.


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(The viewing reviews that have been made public will be posted in the detailed information of the work and in ‘PLAY + Zine>Viewing Reviews’.)