
홈으로 홈으로

프린트 공유

페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘 카카오톡 아이콘

홈으로   >  Venue  >  Venue Guidance  >  Performing Place  >  Inchoon Art Hall

페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘

Performing Place

  • A cultural space where the passion of art continues.
  • Introducing a place flowing with artistic inspiration, Seoul Arts Center, the home of cultural enrichment that makes an unforgettable impression on audiences.

Total seats 100

  • General seats98
  • Wheelchair seats2

Inchoon Art Hall Multi-purpose halls that can be used for various purposes

The Inchoon Art Hall, which was completed on August 28, 2020, is a multi-purpose hall space located on the first basement floor of the music hall. It can be operated with a total of 100 seats, including 91 fixed seats and 7 mobile seats. In addition, Inchoon Art Hall has not only hosted solo concerts and small concerts, but also video screenings, press conferences and competitions. It can be used for various purposes.

Seating Charts

seat chart (floor 1) of the Inchoon Art Hall
  • 1F 100 seats

    • General seats98
    • Wheelchair seats2

Call Center 1668-1352 (Tuesday-Sunday: 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM *Closed on Mondays and during the Lunar New Year and Chuseok holidays / Lunch break: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM)

Address (06757) Seoul Arts Center, Nambusunhwanro 2406, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

copyrightⓒ2023 Seoul Arts Center. All rights reserved.