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페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘



Seoul Arts Center 2010's


2019.12Installed 1101 Musem

2019.10Launched Gold Business Membership

2019.07Launched Gold Gift Membership

2018.11Published the 30th anniversary book「 SAC 30 Years」

2018.02Held a Special Concert for the 30th anniversary of opening

2016.08Achieved a cumulative of
50 million ticketed audience

2016.03Remodeling and reopening of
Seoul Calligraphy Museum

2015.07SAC STORE opened

2014.10SAC Awards & held the award ceremony established

2013.07Convenience space in the basement of music hall opened

2013.06Noble Membership implemented

2013.05SAC ON SCREEN (Performance screen making project) implemented

2013.02PR Zone @700 of Seoul Arts Center opended
Mobile application of Seoul Arts Center released
CJ Towol Theater renovated and reopened
Events commemorating 25th anniversary opening

2012.12Make 40 million audiences

2012.07System of standard seat category implemented
System of event day discount ticket implemented

2012.06Attending system of free rehearsal for youths implemented

2011.12Auditorium of Jayu Theatre remodeled and reopened

2011.10IBK Chamber Hall opened

2011.08Shinsegae Square Outdoor Stage completed

2011.01Construction of the elevator tower of Vitamin Station

2010.08Mobile web service of Seoul Arts Center opended

2010.04Direct ticketing system of Seoul Arts Center opended

Call Center 1668-1352 (Tuesday-Sunday: 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM *Closed on Mondays and during the Lunar New Year and Chuseok holidays / Lunch break: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM)

Address (06757) Seoul Arts Center, Nambusunhwanro 2406, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

copyrightⓒ2023 Seoul Arts Center. All rights reserved.